Zebra virtual test printer for SAP


In a warehousing world, labels are a big thing. I can’t imagine a warehouse working without some sort of label. Therefore IT consultants/developers have to build, design & test labels every once in a while. To make the label testing easier (and reduce paper waste), I set up a neat “virtual test printer” for Zebra labels.

The requirement

I want to see (not necessarily in paper form) Zebra labels when the SAP system spits them out. I don’t have a printer (at all – I hate printers – different story) and I’m not going to get one either.

A bit of landscape

I have:

  • A SAP system which is fully under my control
  • A tiny Linux box (OpenSUSE 42) that is fully under my control and somewhere in our server farm


Most of this setup is based on these guides/resources

The Linux side of things

On the Linux side, it’s a matter of setting up CUPS and xinetd and apache (not neccessary but cool :)).

For the purpose of this documentation, I will assume the DNS entry for the linux box is just “linuxbox”

Getting CUPS ready

This requires cups to run and (in my case) be available as a remote service. The most obvious step is starting the daemon, but also a

cupsctl --remote-admin

to enable web access.

If you want to print test pages and other beautiful pictures, you must ensure that the *.ppd drivers from zebratechcups are copied in some sort of subfolder in /usr/share/cups/model (if your distribution doesn’t already provide them – OpenSUSE didn’t). However, this is not necessary if you use the setup with the SAP Zebra drivers.

After a systemctrl restart cups.service, https://linuxbox:631/admin should be accessible (use root/root password for access – can be configured differently, but I’m not fuzzed). The next steps are best screenshot-ed:

  1. 1Add a new printer
  2. 2Select AppSocket/HP JetDirect
  3. 3Use a socket://localhost connection string. Pick any unused port (we’ll use 13371 for this example). The corresponding service will be build later.
  4. 4Pick any name and description. Remember the name though (we’ll need it for SAP). Make sure to share!
  5. 13Select “Generic”.
  6. 14Add the printer


To Zebra drivers or not to Zebra drivers


This is what happens if you use the CUPS Zebra drivers...
This is what happens if you use the CUPS Zebra drivers + SAP Zebra drivers…

As mentioned before, there are specific Zebra drivers available for CUPS. However, using them in this case is actually counterproductive (except if you want to try to print a test page in CUPS itself). Here’s why:

The CUPS zebra drivers are mainly great for taking whatever input you send to CUPS, creating a picture out of it and writing that picture in ZPL. Imagine the following path:

Some program prints -> CUPS takes picture and sends picture as ZPL -> Zebra Printer

However, SAP with Zebra drivers is smarter than this! It can actually create ZPL from the start. So if you use Zebra drivers in CUPS, you will get a picture of the ZPL instructions, not the desired interpreted output (see picture to the left)!

If it’s not available, make sure the ppd files are copied into some subfulder under /usr/share/cups/model (e.g. /usr/share/cups/model/manufacturer-PPDs/zebra) !

Xinetd Magic

Now that cups sends the ZPL to localhost:13371, we need to actually listen to this. Also, we want to listen to the LPD port to enable the SAP system to send the print spool directly to our linux box.

CUPS-LPD (so SAP is happy)

Enable cups-lpd /etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd set “disabled = no”. The whole file should look something like this

service printer
   disable = no
   flags = NAMEINARGS
   socket_type = stream
   protocol = tcp
   wait = no
   user = lp
   server = /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd
   server_args = cups-lpd -o document-format=application/octet-stream -o job-sheets=none,none

Beware to add the job-sheets=none,none option, otherwise CUPS-LPD will try to print a cover page each time you print. And for the generic text driver, that will result in aborted jobs!

Writing ZPL

Create a new file in /etc/xinetd.d/ (best to copy cups-lpd, call it zebraPrint and adjust). The file should look like this

service zebraPrint
   disable = no
   flags = REUSE
   port = 13371
   socket_type = stream
   protocol = tcp
   wait = no
   user = wwwrun
   server = /usr/local/bin/writeZebra
   server_args = /srv/www/htdocs/printouts 8dpmm 4x6
   only_from = localhost

A couple of explanations:

  • The port is the port you used in the CUPS printer socket setting before (adjust if you picked your own)
  • The user is my apache user (I’ll share the print outputs in a folder exposed in my webserver). Pick your own user if you want to do something else 🙂
  • The server is a python script that will be presented in the next section
  • The server args are
    1. The path in which the output should be written
    2. The dots per mm for the output
    3. The size in inches (align with printer default settings in SAP!!!)

Finally you need to add an entry like

zebraFile   13371/tcp

to /etc/services and do a restart of xinetd (systemctrl restart xinetd.service)

Python Playground

The next piece on the Linux box is the python script that will actually put the outputs in the right folder. As configured in the previous section, the python script needs to be /usr/local/bin/writeZebra (or wherever you put it) and obviously needs a +x execution bit…

The script assumes that “requests” is installed (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/install/#install) and writes the printout with a time stamp into the specified folder.

The script is not rocket science, so adjusting the script to your own purposes should be fairly simple!

Essentially, the script chucks the full input stream into a txt file in the folder we gave as an argument in the xinetd service. Afterwards, a web service by the good folks of Labelary is called to translate the ZPL into a picture. The web service has more options (e.g. download as PDF…) but I didn’t need it as of yet. RTFM for your own tweaks 😉 Also, there are limitations to what can be displayed (http://labelary.com/docs.html).


import sys
import datetime
import requests

filename = sys.argv[1] + "/" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
f = open(filename + ".txt", 'wb')
printout = ''
while True:
   data = sys.stdin.buffer.read(1)
   if not data: break

f = open(filename + ".txt", 'rb')
url = "http://api.labelary.com/v1/printers/" + sys.argv[2] + "/labels/" + sys.argv[3] + "/0/"
files = {'file': f}

r = requests.post(url, files=files)

f2 = open(filename + ".png", 'wb')


Apache stuff

Now this part isn’t quite necessary, but if you have apache installed and are writing the outputs into the right folder, a configuration in /etc/apache2/conf.d/zebraPrint.conf could look like this

<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/printouts">
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
 IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst
 AllowOverride None
 Require all granted
 DirectoryIndex disabled

In my case this allows me to see all printouts via http://linuxbox/printouts



Give it a whirl

ONLY IF YOU ARE USING THE CUPS ZEBRA DRIVERS you can actually test at this point!

If you do (or feel like setting up a dedicated printer for it), in the CUPS interface (https://linuxbox:631/admin) you can trigger a test print for your newly created printer. You should see your first output appear. If not, try to fix it! 🙂

If you don’t want to download the CUPS zebra drivers, you can test the python script with

/usr/local/bin/writeZebra . 8dpmm 4x6 < fileToSomeSampleZPL

This should output the same ZPL and a picture in the current directory. A sample ZPL can be found here

The SAP side of the equation

Download the Zebra SAP drivers here. The readme.txt is pretty comprehensive, but for those that are a bit lazy:

  1. Upload the two transports into the data / cofile directories on your SAP system and import the transport (PVDK000362) via STMS.
  2. Use Report RSTXSCRP to upload the Device Types (*.PRI files) like so
  3. Do the upload for all the drivers you need (probably best for all of them)
  4. Configure your printer in SPAD like so
    9 10 11 12
  5. As you can see, I put the URL in the location to remind myself where the printouts will appear. Also, beware to reuse the exact same host printer name as configured in CUPS earlier (capitalization matters in real OSes!). There are probably more cool options, feel free to comment 🙂


I tried to use the whole thing with the unicode drivers, but the UTF16 completely messed it up for me (the webservice and my python script couldn’t cope). So I reverted back to the standard non-unicode drivers.

Give it a whirl

It’s fun 🙂



SAP Router – Startup in a systemd world

Very easy, without any fancy bells and whistles, but I need to dump this somewhere so I have it handy next time I need it:


New file /etc/systemd/system/saprouter.service

Environment="SECUDIR=/usr/sap/saprouter" "SNC_LIB=/sapmnt/SMD/exe/libsapcrypto.so" 
ExecStart=/usr/sap/saprouter/saprouter -r -K -T /home/smdadm/saprouterLog/dev_router -G /home/smdadm/saprouterLog/log -R /usr/sap/saprouter/saprouttab 
ExecStop=/usr/sap/saprouter/saprouter -s 


And then move on to a simple systemctrl enable saprouter.service


MySQL based authentication in Apache

I like HTTP. A simple, robust protocol that (in itself) has so many lovely features already if one knows how to use them. As such, I wanted to try and see if I could use the standard HTTP authentication more often for my websites (especially those that I don’t want anyone to access).

Of course, everyone who has ever looked at protecting their phpMyAdmin directory on their website probably came across the standard .htpasswd way of doing things in Apache. However, in my latest server setup, everything is run out of a MySQL database (e.g. email users & addresses for dovecot & postfix, this blog, my webmail, my website …). So I thought: maybe instead of having to constantly maintain .htpasswd files, I could utilize my database to do so. And it works quite nicely!


  1. mod_auth_mysql from somewhere (build yourself or get a package…)
  2. Load it into your Apache configuration with this or something similiar…
    LoadModule auth_mysql_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_mysql.so

Setting up the DB

This is my sample setup and not the ultimate truth, so it is possible to change DB name, user, password, tables and all of that (the Apache config shows that later)!

Create a database, user apacheUser and password secretPassword

USE `apache`;
CREATE USER 'apacheUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'secretPassword';
GRANT SELECT ON `apache` . * TO 'apacheUser'@'localhost';

I use a setup with two tables: Users and groups

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `apache`.`users` (
 `username` char(100) NOT NULL,
 `passwd` char(100) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`username`)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `apache`.`groups` (
 `username` char(100) NOT NULL,
 `group` char(100) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`username`,`group`)

And of course, adding a sample user and group

INSERT INTO `apache`.`users` (`username` ,`passwd`)
   VALUES ('csh', MD5( 'secret' ));
INSERT INTO `apache`.`groups` (`username` ,`group`)
   VALUES ('csh', 'testGroup');

Obviously, one could create a foreign key relationship or even a group header table, but that’s too much hassle for the time being… The password column is filled with MD5 hashes of passwords (which is probably insecure, I know, but that was the easiest hash I could find in the configuration).

Setting up a password protection

Now this can go into any .htaccess file or (in my case), I put that in the actual virtual host definition for the hosts I want to protect.

<Directory /http/test> 
   Options none 
   AllowOverride All 
   Order allow,deny 
   Allow from all 
   AuthBasicAuthoritative Off 
   AuthMYSQL on 
   AuthMySQL_Authoritative on 
   AuthMySQL_DB apache 
   Auth_MySQL_Host localhost 
   Auth_MySQL_User apacheUser 
   Auth_MySQL_Password secretPassword
   AuthMySQL_Password_Table users 
   AuthMySQL_Username_Field users.username 
   AuthMySQL_Password_Field users.passwd 
   AuthMySQL_Empty_Passwords off 
   AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types PHP_MD5 
   AuthMySQL_Group_Table "users, groups" 
   AuthMySQL_Group_Clause " AND users.username = groups.username" 
   AuthMySQL_Group_Field groups.group 
   AuthType Basic 
   AuthName "Please log in" 
   Require group testGroup 

Just to point out the obvious, the above Apache configuration will force a user to authenticate against a username in table `users` with a password which (MD5 hashed) equals the string in the passwd column of `users`. Also, there needs to be an entry in `groups` with the username and the group ‘testGroup’, otherwise the user is not allowed either.

The values in bold are obviously things you probably want to change (mostly in accordance with the DB settings/user/pwd created above. The really important bit to figure out here was that AuthMySQL essentially takes these “settings” and just concatenates them into one large SQL statement. It took me a bit of source code browsing to figure out the two table approach described here, and I’m sure one could even go further to split it even more thoroughly.